Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Coasting to the finish

There are only like four weeks of school left - hurrah! I'm scrambling to make summer plans for my kiddos, plan for vacation, get things in place for the next school year...the cycle never ends.

I've had an unusually demanding spring, thanks largely in part to a promotion at work. It's something I wasn't prepared for; I'm very thankful for the opportunity, and embracing the challenge. But it's also meant lots of extra hours, and when I'm at home, I've either still got work on my mind or am so exhausted that I'm a zombie. I know that's not totally healthy, and I'm working on it. I know that the only way that I can really find peace with my situation is to find balance, and always leave work at work...and I'm working on it. But I'm not there just yet.

So this is why I'm coasting to the finish - of the school year, that is. I'm mentally exhausted. Spent. Thank god for my sitter who is now coming in the afternoons to do homework with the kids, or I'd probably get a visit from social services. When I get home from work, she fills me in on all the important things I need to know, and I find myself staring at her, blank, like, they did what? lit matches on the sofa? held the dog's head in the toilet? oh, okay, see you tomorrow. Is it wrong to just not care any more?

I love my kids and I want them to succeed, but I need a break just as badly as they do. I'm tired of following snapgrades and checking their backpacks for important messages from the teacher. I get enough important messages from the boss from 9-5. By May I've just about checked out. And I'm admitting it because I'm betting I'm not the only parent who is skipping reading the mandatory story book with her first grader every now and then so that she can catch the end of the baseball game.

So how about a little update on each one, as the school year draws to a close?

Connor is just chugging along like normal. Straight A's, 100% or higher in at least three subjects, and headed for another academic night. Reading Harry Potter every night until he can't hold his eyes open any longer. Just tonight he brought me the paperwork he needs to fill out to run for student council. Such a good boy. I keep asking him if he wants to try any sports, lessons, clubs...and he just hasn't figured out anything he whats to do. I'm not going to worry - he loves band, and with his academics will find any number of other opportunities to get involved as he gets older.

Yeah, who's that on the end, totally hamming it up for the Journey to Hacker Valley II video stills? That would be Griffin, who we would have to give both writing and producing credit to if we were totally honest (this was Connor and Belmont's project). He is in the middle of his second round of acting lessons with East Valley Children's Theater, and he. loves. it. I have not seen him so excited and passionate and self confident about something, well, ever. He is going to audition for the EVCT production of "Beauty and the Beast" next weekend - keep your fingers crossed. Oh, and thanks to the fact that the afternoon babysitter is pretty cute, his handwriting has suddenly improved ten fold and he's getting all his homework assignments done. Imagine that. All I need to motivate my teenage (yes, he's a teen now, god save us all) son is to get him a hot young tutor.

Okay. I'm trying really, really hard not to push my daughter into anything she doesn't want to do. I'm also hyper aware of the fact that she's going to look up to her mom and want to please her. So I'm trying. But I can't help but get breathless at the idea of her becoming a star softball player and playing for the Sun Devils. I can dream, right? She loves softball, and as we've established, she has a bit of a, um...competetive side? So we're just finding the right sport to fit. Basketball was a no. Softball, yes. We're...I mean she's ;)...having a blast.

I've got to be careful - they are, quite literally as Griffin is now taller than me, growing before my eyes. I can't miss the important stuff.

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